1. Who gives a facial at Ecobeautica?

Our facials are given by licensed estheticians that have received special training in New York City. Our passionate, dedicated estheticians have over 17 years of experience under their belts. If you want to know more about our estheticians, give us a call! We’d be more than happy to answer your questions.


2. How often should I get a facial?

Our estheticians advise that everyone should receive a facial every four to six weeks for optimal skin health. The minimum would be four times a year, as the seasons change. You may need a facial more frequently than that if you are dealing with a chronic condition.


3. What’s the best way to prolong my facial?

We recommend being attentive with your home care program. Cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and protecting on a regular basis will support your skin and keep it looking and functioning at its best. If you want more information that is specific to your skin, call us to schedule an appointment for nutrition and lifestyle counseling.


4. At what age should I start receiving regular facials?

Our facials are designed for all age groups, from stressed-out college students to hardworking men and women. We believe in early skin care education since many teenagers suffer from skin issues that are best addressed early on. Starting early could not only support healthy skin care habits but could also prevent early aging. There’s no point in growing older while waiting to look younger. And with our top of the line treatments, you won’t have to.


5. Will I break out after a facial?

Breakouts rarely occur after a facial. We use the finest ingredients in our facials to ensure that your skin will only benefit from our services.  We use natural and certified organic ingredients in all our services and products to protect you and the earth.


6. What is the impact of diet and nutrition on the skin?

A healthy diet should be broken up into 50% carbohydrates, 30%, fat and 20% protein, along with vitamins A, C and E. These three vitamins are unique because of their antioxidants properties, which play an important role in skin health and beauty. For more information, call us and ask about our nutrition and supplement counseling.


7. What benefits can I expect from using products that contain vitamin A or C?

Vitamin A and C are two of the most effective anti-aging agents. They provide useful antioxidants that protect your skin against environmental pollutants Vitamin C plays a role in collagen synthesis, restoring suppleness and skin clarity, while Vitamin A increases elasticity and moisture content. We make sure to incorporate these vitamins in all our products. You will see a visible difference in just one week.


8. What are the things that negatively impact your skin’s appearance?

Hygiene, protection from the sun, getting sufficient sleep, drinking enough water and a nutritious diet are the main factors in keeping your skin healthy. Wearing sunscreen and regular exercises are also vital. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol too much. Choosing the right skin care product for your needs is crucial. Our experienced licensed professionals will work with you to create the perfect skin care regime.


9. What are the different skin types? What is my skin type?

There are 5 main skin groups: normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive skin.

Dry skin is fine-pored skin that looks dull. It has many fine wrinkles and a rough, thin, and papery texture. It is also easily irritated.
Oily skin is shiny, greasy, and prone to acne. It can have large pores.
Combination skin has oily characteristics on the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin), while the cheeks (u-zone) are dry. Some areas are smooth while others are dry and rough.
Normal skin is neither dry nor greasy and is clear, pimple free, soft, and smooth.
Sensitive skin is the most delicate kind of skin type. It is easily irritated by touch, weather, or the wrong kind of skin products. Redness is often an issue.
Give us a call to ask about a skin consultation.


10. What should I do if I have oily skin?

This kind of skin is oil-rich and prone to pimples, spots and blackheads. Washing the skin with a suitable cleanser several times a day cleans and opens pores and prevents acne. This could dehydrate the skin, however, so moisturizing afterward is a must. Only use oil-free sunscreen and makeup products. Vitamin A supplements could aid in controlling oil production. A diet high in water, fruits and vegetables could also be beneficial. Call us for an consultation.


11. What should I do if I have dry skin?

Dry skin is sensitive to cold weather and sun. Using moisturizer during the day and before going to sleep is key. All products should include sun protection factors. Eye creams and hydrating masks could restore your skin. At Ecobeautica, we have a large selection of facials that could improve dry skin conditions and get you smooth, soft skin. Call us to make an appointment with an esthetician to discuss your concerns.


12. What can I do to prevent signs of skin aging and wrinkles?

The most important way to prevent skin aging and wrinkles is to protect the skin against sun, not smoke, exercise, add lots of fruit and vegetables to your diet, reduce stress, get enough sleep and drink at least six 8oz glasses of water a day. We have various anti-aging treatments meant to slow the aging process and attain youthful skin.


13. What can I do about pimples and pigmentations? Are lightening products of any help?

We have advanced facial treatments for people suffering from acne or pigmentation. Peeling, exfoliating, and cleansing are important to treating these conditions.


14. What should I keep in mind when selecting cosmetic products? What are the adverse effects of cosmetics on the skin?

Know your skin type. Using the wrong type of product could worsen your condition or can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Our consultants could help you decide which kinds of products are best for your skin. Call us to schedule a consultation.


15. Is there anything I can do to help my brown spots? 

Hyper-pigmentation can occur after sun exposure, pregnancy, or taking birth control pills. We offer many treatments like peels, specialized facials, and microdermabrasion along with home care programs that could lighten your spots.


16. What are peels good for?

Peels are an ideal treatment for people experiencing hyper pigmentation or wrinkles. We can choose the appropriate peeling method for you depending on your skin type.


17. How should sunscreen be applied?

Adequate sun protection is one of the most important things you can give your skin. Sunblock should be used daily at all ages. Sunscreen should be chosen based on skin type and should provide the skin with UVA, UVB, and infrared protection. The SPF should be at least 20. Sunscreen should be applied evenly 30 minutes before leaving the house.