Mild Acne and Diamond Microdermabrasion: The Clear Choice for Healthier Skin


In the 1953 classic song from “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes,” Marilyn Monroe sang that, “A kiss on the hand may be quite continental, but diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Nowhere does that adage ring more true than in the medical spa arena, where diamond microdermabrasion has proven extremely effective in helping those suffering from acne.
One of the most popular cosmetic skin care treatments, diamond microdermabrasion is safe, simple and pain-free. Because it’s non-invasive, it’s well suited for most skin types and colors and causes no skin color change or scarring. Fast and reliable, it can improve the appearance of acne scars, wrinkles, fine lines and uneven skin tone within a series of treatments – resulting in softer, smoother skin.
To fully appreciate the benefits of diamond microdermabrasion, it may be helpful to compare it to crystal microdermabrasion. One of the most prevalent and traditional exfoliation methods, crystal microdermabrasion utilizes a hand-held device to spray a high-speed flow of aluminum oxide crystals into the skin. A major limitation of this technique is an inability to treat troubled skin near the mouth and eye area, for fear of these tiny particles getting into those areas and causing damage.
Diamond microdermabrasion, on the other hand, utilizes disposable or reusable diamond tip wands made of natural diamond chips. Diamond is four times harder than corundum crystals, making this type of approach especially effective at penetrating the surface layer of the skin without causing pain or any long-lasting trauma to the skin. Wands come in various sizes and levels of coarseness to accommodate different skin types and depths of resurfacing.
In diamond microdermabrasion, the diamond tips and strong suction effectively exfoliate and vacuum dead skin cells off the face. Blackheads are unplugged and dirt is stripped from pores, resulting in smoother, younger-looking skin. Different suction levels afford additional flexibility, and also increase blood flow to the skin, which helps produce collagen. Diamond microdermabrasion with oxygen infusion works particularly well in addressing mild acne and alleviating the appearance of disfiguring acne scars.
In 2001, scientists from Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine conducted a pilot study, The Use of Microdermabrasion for Acne, with 25 patients with grade II to III acne. The participants were given eight micro abrasion treatments at weekly intervals; they also received dermatological care and continued using their regular acne medication while taking part in the study.
Based on comparing before and after photos, an impressive 71 percent of the 24 patients who completed the study enjoyed excellent or good results. Seventeen percent experienced fair results, and the remaining 12 percent had poor results. Overall, 23 of the 24 patients were pleased with their results and would recommend microdermabrasion to others.
While that study was conducted more than a decade ago, the same truths are evident today. Microdermabrasion, and diamond microdermabrasion in particular, is a safe, simple and effective way to treat mild acne, and can be used in concert with topical creams and dermatological consults to produce startling results.
If you’d like softer, smoother and younger-looking skin, call us today. Because diamonds truly can be a girl – and guy’s – best friend.

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