Margaret’s bio

Margaret’s bio

Margaret was born into a legacy of beautiful women in the town of Riga, in Latvia. Her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother all practiced a lifestyle of beauty and health, and lived by the phrase, “Your beauty is your best recommendation.” Each woman lived to be over 100 years old. It was this lifestyle that propelled Margaret to enter the cosmetics and spa services field, where she learned among the best professionals in the Baltic Sea resort of Gorky.

After moving to the United States, Margaret’s teenage daughter encountered a case of acne—something unheard of in Margaret’s family. After consulting a general practitioner, a prescription of the aggressive antibiotic Accutane was prescribed, with serious and harmful side effects. This experience propelled Margaret to ask, “Why? Why now?” She began an extensive look back at the history of her family and the healthy, unblemished residents of her home town and came to the conclusion that her daughter’s acne was not genetic or hormonal, but instead due to a series of poor lifestyle choices.

Margaret went back to her roots—eating the same healthy foods she grew up eating, adhering to the strict dietary, sleep, and beauty regimens her mother had taught her, and finding a way to integrate this lifestyle into her American life. The results were fantastic—renewed skin, refreshed health, and best of all, her daughter’s acne was cured.

This is the expertise that Margaret wants to bring the New York community through Ecobeautica Spa. She is a member of the Anti-Aging Academy, the National Association of Professional Women, and has a diploma from the Holt Institute of Medicine for Supplement Counseling.